Hello, I'm Jamie...
…a photographer, designer and developer. Alongside commercial food & drink photography, I publish self-assigned photo stories for both print and digital.
I’m currently working on Makers, a series that explores the processes of those who create with passion and obsessive quality. It was this series that led to my current specialisation work with food photography after documenting the behind-the-scenes work in the kitchen at The Mulberry restaurant in Falmouth.
I originally graduated from UCF in 2011 having studied Graphic Design, before later working as a software developer for close to a decade. In 2021 after burning out with professional software work — as so many do! — photography slowly became a core part of my work. Life is rarely a straight line…
I’ve brought all these similar but distinct skills together into my current work. It makes it hard to explain what I do when meeting new people, because the generalist that writes, takes pictures, designs and builds software doesn’t neatly fit into most peoples mental pigeon-holes. I guess “independent publisher” works, but that feels overwrought and too formal a title somehow.
Not being overly fond of social media, I’ve never maintained a presence on Instagram (or any other networks). I was late to Instagram and missed it’s so-called Glory Days, and whilst I have an account I don’t post, using it only to follow friends and other photographers. If others maintained personal websites like they do their ’gram, I would happily never open the app again. I’ve been using Glass off-and-on since it’s launch, but despite enjoying the immediate feedback and community, I still prefer to take a slower approach to my work, eventually publishing here. Admittedly my work has been glacial in the recent past, but I’ve started to find a rhythm that balances being a stay-at-home Dad and having a career once again.
If you have an enquiry, a question or just want to chat; then send me an email at [email protected].